Wednesday, November 11, 2009


The following day we proceeded towards the historic town of Galle. "Of the 14 remaining lighthouses in Sri Lanka only the Galle lighthouse is located at a World Heritage Site", Fernando explained. "For centuries, Galle was Sri Lanka's main port as it has an excellent natural harbour.

The port of Galle dates back to the time when Arab traders sailed to China in search of eastern riches. Galle was their last haven before crossing the Bay of Bengal. Perhaps one of the earliest recorded references to Galle comes from the great Arab traveller Iban Battuta, who visited the port, which he calls Qali, in the mid 14th century. Galle was central to the spice trade route".
The Legendry ancient port town 116kms.From Colombo is believed to be the 'Tarshish of the Bible', where King Solomon obtained gems, spices and peacocks. It was perhaps the first international trade and commerce centre of Sri Lanka. Galla is in fact the most historically interesting living city of Sri Lanka. Today, it is the fourth largest town of Sri Lanka and is the bustling provincial capital and administrative centre of the south.The Dutch influence on the town is very well reflected in its grand buildings, churches and a tide-baced sewage sistem. The residents are still engaged in making the Dutch 'pillw-lace', fine ebony-carving and gem-polishing.The main atraction are -The lovely Unawatuna Bay ;the old Dutch 'Star' fort (a World Heritage Site) ; Groote Kerk (Dutch Church), Dutch Government House, the New Orientel (build in 1684) and Old Bell Tower.

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